Science Market Update

Stony Brook's Research Facilities to Expand in 2016

Posted by Laura Braden on Wed, Jun 24, 2015

The MART building will increase research capabilities at Stony Brook, and be located near the Health Science Center and Hospital. The start of the 2016 academic year will see growth in the research facilities at Stony Brook University campus in New York, as a new research building is completing construction and scheduled to open. 

The new Medical and Research Translation Building (MART) which began construction in 2013, is scheduled to open in 2016 near the university Health Science Center (pictured right) and Hospital, and will greatly expand medical research capabilities at Stony Brook. The $194 million building will be comprised of 8-floors in 245,000 square feet of space on the Stony Brook University Medical Campus. Along with a new Bed-Tower that will house cancer patients, researchers and physicians working together in the MART will focus largely on cancer research and treatment. 


New York Governor Andrew Cuomo explained that "the State has focused on investing in our centers of higher education to prepare our students for the 21st century economy as well as foster regional economic development, and the MART facility demonstrates this vision by helping create new jobs here on Long Island as well as strengthening Stony Brook University's position as a leader in the medical science field." 

Facilities within the MART will primarily focus on cancer-biology research, neuroscience, and imaging, and will include: 

  • Cell tissue research labs
  • Cancer biology research labs
  • Chemistry research labs
  • Statistical research labs
  • Biomedical informatics labs
  • Clinical study labs
  • Clinical infusion center
  • 300-person auditorium
  • Classrooms

Stony Brook University in New York is leader in life science research in the Long Island and New York region. The institution receives millions of dollar annually to support ongoing life science research and help establish new projects new buildings. In the 2014 fiscal year, Stony brook received more than $97 million in life science funding from the NIH, and total R&D expenditures exceeded $49 million in 2013. 

Leading research departments at Stony Brook that received substantial amounts of this funding in 2014 included: 

  1. Genetics- $8.3 million
  2. Biochemistry - $5.1 million
  3. Medicine and Internal Medicine - $4.3 million
  4. Pharmacology - $3.9 million
  5. Biomedical Engineering - $3.8 million

New York area researchers learn about new lab products at the 2014 BioResearch Product Faire™ Event.

Biotechnology Calendar, Inc. produces an annual BioResearch Product Faire™ Event at Stony Brook University that provides lab supply companies with the opportunity to meet face-to-face with over 200 active life science researchers in a professional and fun environment. Researchers from across campus come to the event to learn about the newest tools and technologies that are available to help with their lab work. 

The 10th Annual BioResearch Product Faire™ Event at Stony Brook University in New York will be help on Monday, September 28, 2015. At the 2014 event, researchers from 33 different academic departments and 13 on-campus buildings attended this popular event. 

Lab suppliers interested in meeting with researchers in the Stony Brook, NY area are encouraged to participate in this well publicized and attended life science supply marketing opportunity. To learn more about participating, visit the link below: 

Exhibit: Stony Brook

Researchers in New York are invited to visit the link below to pre-register for the event to save time at the door: 

Researchers: Attend
Stony Brook Event


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Tags: Northeast, new research building, New York, Stony Brook University, 2015, BioResearch Product Faire Event, NY, new Building, SunySB

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