Science Researcher Update: Spotlight on Meetings, Conferences, and Events

Weeds 2015: XXII Latin-American Weed Congress & I Argentinean Weed Congress

Posted on Jun 27, 2015 12:53:00 AM

Congress - Buenos Aires, Argentina
Weeds 2015: XXII Latin-American Weed Congress (ALAM) and I Argentinean Weed Congress (ASACIM), seeks to analyze the current state of knowledge in relation to weeds, and in particular, all technological advances and the new problems detected in production systems. All these issues will be discussed in plenary lectures, oral presentations and poster presentations of the research works
Organization: ASACIM
Wed, Sep 09, 2015 - Thu, Sep 10, 2015
Palais Rouge
Buenos Aires, Argentina
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Tags: Plant science, Congress, September, 2015, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Life Sciences, Plant Biology

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