Science Researcher Update: Spotlight on Meetings, Conferences, and Events

Webinar on Drug Development & Discovery by FDA Standards

Posted on Apr 27, 2015 10:18:00 AM

Seminar - Online
This webinar will lay out the whole process systematically and in a simplified manner. It will help you to understand how what you do and your goals and objectives, contribute to the overall success of the company, both in terms of product approval by the FDA or in terms of successful inspection outcomes. At the end of the webinar, you will be able to have better communication with your functional colleagues and the quality and regulatory affairs departments. This will lead to higher quality product, easier approvals, many fewer errors and much less friction between departments. It is a must for anyone that is either joining the Pharmaceutical / Biotechnology / Medical Device industries for the first time, or anyone that is transferring from one part of the company to another part (e.g. from discovery to development and vice versa). Also for international attendees that need to familiarize themselves with the FDA process and how it differs from other regulatory authorities.
Organization: Compliance Trainings (
Monday, April 27, 2015 (13:0014:00)
Mississauga, Ontario 44813, Canada
Contact: Compliance Trainings (
Phone: 4169154458

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Tags: Medical Device Technology, Drug Discovery, Canada, April, Webinar, 2015, Seminar, Drug Development, Biologics

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