Science Researcher Update: Spotlight on Meetings, Conferences, and Events
Tags: vaccine research, germany, Conference, Research
Tags: biomedical research, Congress, germany, Research, laboratory
Symposium - Heidelberg, Germany
This EMBO | EMBL Symposium aims to bring together established experts, physician scientists and basic researchers to discuss the multi-layered and complex processes leading up to novel therapeutic strategies for diabetes, obesity and related health issues, such as cancer and cardiovascular disease, including:
Tags: cardiovascular research, Diabetes, 2012, Cancer, September, germany, Symposium, Heidelberg, Research
Conference - Heidelberg, Germany
The cellular and molecular basis of life is the outcome of a long process of evolution governed by variation and selection.
Tags: cell biology, germany, Conference, Research, Ecology
Tags: Stem cell research, cell biology, 2012, germany, Symposium, Heidelberg, October, Research
Genomics Research Conference - Frankfurt, Germany
Welcome to our Genomics Research Europe conference and exhibition. This year's event will be held in the historic and easily accessible city of Frankfurt.
Tags: genomic research, germany, Conference, Genomics, Stem Cell
Congress - Munich, Germany
With ADME and Predictive Toxicology playing an increasingly vital role in aiding successful drug candidate identification and design.
Tags: Medical Research, Congress, germany, science event, Research, science researcher
Meeting - Essen, Germany
As in recent years, we are confident that the preparation of a suspense-filled programme reflecting the innovative potential in virology will succeed.
Tags: Research Meeting, germany, Essen, science research