Science Researcher Update: Spotlight on Meetings, Conferences, and Events

The Controlling Cancer Summit 2016

Posted on Apr 29, 2016 12:27:21 AM


Summit - London, United Kingdom

The annual Controlling Cancer Summit in an international academic event with plenty of opportunity for networking and debate. In an informal setting, this meeting will bring you up to date with current research and thinking regarding screening, prevention and treatment in this ever-growing field. Presenting at this event, we will have a variety of clinicians, academics and members of the pharmaceutical industry; we encourage presentations from the wide spectrum of cancer research, development and healthcare professionals.

A late registration fee applies after March 20th 2016
This innovative and stimulating event will is aimed at those working in research and development of drugs, industry partners, academia, biotechnology, diagnostics, clinicians and postgraduate students.

Organization: Euroscicon


Tue, May 17, 2016 - Thu, May 19, 2016

Cineworld: The O2

Peninsula Square, London, United Kingdom


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Tags: cancer research, United Kingdom, Cancer, May, London, Summit, Life Sciences, 2016

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