Conference - Regensburg, Germany
The goal of the conference is to transfer recent research and innovative biomarker candidates from diverse body fluid- and cell-based analyses into applications for health-care integrated biobanking, diagnostics, clinical practice, therapy-monitoring, and outcome prediction.The conference covers multiomics analysis of a broad range of aging disorders such as atherosclerosis, thrombosis, "diabesity", neurodegenerative diseases and inflammation.
In addition to the conference we also offer a workshop on "Lipidomics for biomarker and clinical analysis" prior the conference on July 1-3, 2014. The workshop will present cutting-edge knowledge of Lipidomics analyses of body fluids, cells and tissues. Emphasis will be pre-analytical and analytical strategies, data processing and visualization.
Organization: University Hospital Regensburg
"Healthcare integrated biobanking and multiomics biomarker analysis"
Thu, Jul 03, 2014 - Sat, Jul 05, 2014
University Hospital Regensburg
Franz-Josef-Strauss-Allee 11, Regensburg, Germany
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