Science Researcher Update: Spotlight on Meetings, Conferences, and Events

Radiation Biology & Cancer: From Molecular Responses to the Clinic

Posted on Dec 29, 2014 2:36:00 AM

Conference - Essen, Germany
The EACR Conference on Radiation Biology and Cancer: From Molecular Responses to the Clinic will be held on 5 – 7 February 2015 at the Philharmonie, Essen, Germany.
The EACR Conference on “Radiation Biology and Cancer” brings together researchers from different disciplines with interest in DNA Damage Signalling and Repair, the Response of Cells and Tissues to Photon and Proton Radiation and their application in Basic and Translational Cancer Research. The translational character of the conference makes it interesting to basic researchers, medical oncologists and Industry.
The conference generates a unique international forum for early-stage basic cancer researchers and medical oncologists to present their work and meet experts in their fields of interest. It offers great opportunities not only to share research findings, but also to establish new and strengthen old collaborations in an informal but inspiring setting.
Organization: European Association for Cancer Research
Radiation Biology and Cancer: From Molecular Responses to the Clinic
Thu, Feb 05, 2015 - Sat, Feb 07, 2015
Philharmonie Essen
Huyssenallee 53, 45128, Essen, Germany
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Tags: cancer research, Cancer, Biology, germany, 2015, February, translational medicine, Health Science, Conference

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