Science Researcher Update: Spotlight on Meetings, Conferences, and Events

FASEB Science Research Conference - Protein Kinases & Protein Phosphorylation

Posted on Jun 3, 2015 11:47:00 PM

Conference - Itasca, IL, United States
This FASEB Science Research Conference (SRC) focuses on the basic biology of protein kinases and phosphorylation-dependent signaling networks, as well as their roles in human disease, bringing together established scientists, young investigators, and trainees. Essentially all cellular processes are controlled by reversible protein phosphorylation, and deregulated kinase activity is a hallmark of diseases such as cancer and diabetes. Accordingly, the conference will have an interdisciplinary focus, bringing together experts from diverse fields unified by a common interest in protein phosphorylation/dephosphorylation as a regulatory mechanism. Session topics will include areas traditionally at the forefront of kinase/phosphatase signaling, as well as emerging fields of research, including control of cell growth, nutrient sensing, cell division, and cell polarity. Talks in each session will span multiple disciplines including structural biology, biochemistry, proteomics, systems biology, cell biology, and translational research, with the aim of promoting cross-fertilization among these normally separate fields. The conference will feature ample opportunities for informal interaction to foster collaboration and promote the exchange of ideas.
Organization: FASEB
Sun, Jul 19, 2015 - Fri, Jul 24, 2015
Eaglewood Resort
Itasca, United States
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Tags: July, United States, Molecular Cell Biology, Molecular Biology, Research Conference, Protein, Itasca, 2015, Life Sciences, science research, IL

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