Science Researcher Update: Spotlight on Meetings, Conferences, and Events

Nutritional Immunology: Role in Health and Disease

Posted on Jun 10, 2015 6:45:00 AM

Conference - Lisbon, Portugal
This FASEB Science Research Conference (SRC) focuses on the interactions among nutrition, immunity and infectious and inflammatory outcomes. A broad range of topics will be covered, each lead by an internationally recognized researcher in the field. Topics will include obesity, inflammation and immunity; nutrition, immunity and chronic age-related diseases; gut immunology and the diet-microbiota-immune axis; early life nutritional influences on immune development; nutrition and immune cell signaling; nutrient-gene interactions in the immune system; the metabolic cost of infection and inflammation; and applications of new molecular and immunological technologies to nutritional research. Many disease conditions, the full range of immune cells and mediators including novel pro-resolution mediators, and both clinical and public health applications will be discussed. The 2015 meeting is the fourth on this topic, and the first outside of the US. It brings together a broad range of expertise from across the globe aiming to share and discuss the latest findings from molecular, cellular, and whole organism approaches. There will be the opportunity for poster presentations and social and recreational activities will provide all registrants, including students and postdoctoral fellows, with opportunities to exchange ideas and formulate new collaborations. It is anticipated that there will be funds available to support early career researcher attendance.
Organization: FASEB
Sun, Jul 26, 2015 - Fri, Jul 31, 2015
Lisbon Marriott Hotel
Lisbon, Portugal
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Tags: Immunology, Biochemistry, July, Research Conference, Lisbon, Portugal, 2015, disease research, Life Sciences, science conferences, science research

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