Science Researcher Update: Spotlight on Meetings, Conferences, and Events

NGS 2015 Milan: Towards Single Cell Analysis

Posted on Jan 29, 2015 6:14:00 AM

Conference - Milan, Italy
This Next Generation Sequencing conference highlights the developments of using NGS in the usual application areas such as Epigenetics, Transcriptomics, Exome/Genome Analysis etc whilst moving from analysis of tissues and biofluids towards single cells and limiting amounts of RNA and DNA.
Next Generation Sequencing is a very powerful genomic tool that is opening up new possibilities when it comes to tackling human health issues. Whether it is the effect of the environment on the DNA (Epigenetics) or the expression of individual genes in single cells (single cell transcriptomics) or the meaning and significance of data from NGS Panels, Exomes or Genomes, researchers are driving the applicability of NGS to its limits.
Biotexcel is partnering with leading genomics institutes in Europe to help push the boundries by facilitating dialogue and dissemination of knowledge in a way that enables researchers to come together, network and initiate the next generation of collaborations using NGS.
In line with this philosophy Biotexcel is thrilled to announce our partnership with Dr Sergio Abrignani CSO of the National Institute of Molecular Genetics in Italy to hold NGS 2015 Milan: Towards Single Cell Genomic Analysis. NGS Milan 2015 is a gathering not to be missed; it is our virtual R&D ideas hub for those who want to take the limits of NGS further.
Organization: Biotexcel
Tue, Mar 10, 2015 - Wed, Mar 11, 2015
Instituto Nazionale Genetica Molecolare, Invernizzi Building
Via Francesco Sforza, 35, 20122 Milan, Italy
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Tags: March, Italy, 2015, Milan, Life Sciences, Conference, Genomics, Genetics

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