Science Researcher Update: Spotlight on Meetings, Conferences, and Events

Longitudinal Studies: Maximising their Value for Ageing Research

Posted on Jun 3, 2015 12:35:00 AM

Conference - Cambridge, United Kingdom
Longitudinal studies are ideal for analysing age-related changes, their lifetime determinants and consequences. This new Wellcome Trust conference will focus on the value of longitudinal studies in furthering knowledge about ageing: in particular functional change across life, its drivers and underlying pathways.
The programme will showcase new findings and developments within cross cohort initiatives, centres of healthy ageing and longitudinal studies of ageing. We will discuss the impact of the environment on accelerating ageing or building resilience and promoting recovery. Identifying new approaches to achieve data harmonization across cohort consortia will also be highlighted. We aim to build capacity in investigators who will shape the future research agenda of life course and longitudinal studies of ageing and will convene a special session to discuss the challenges and opportunities in this area.
Organization: Wellcome Trust
Tue, Jul 21, 2015 - Thu, Jul 23, 2015
Wellcome Trust Genome Campus
Cambridge, United Kingdom
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Tags: United Kingdom, July, Epidemiology, Research Conference, Hinxton, 2015, Ageing, Life Sciences, Conference, Cambridge, Research

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