Science Researcher Update: Spotlight on Meetings, Conferences, and Events

London Cell Cycle Club February 2015

Posted on Jan 19, 2015 2:16:00 PM

Meeting - London, United Kingdom
The London Cell Cycle Club provides a venue for labs doing fundamental cell cycle research in model organisms to interact with those using mammalian cells.
We hope that the interaction will drive the model organism research in a more ‘translational’ direction and provide new collaborative opportunities. In addition, the meeting will provide a strong forum of expertise in cell cycle biology to critique new work, enabling new ideas to be ‘distilled’ prior to publication.
Our aims:
  • Encourage plenty of discussions in a relaxed atmosphere.
  • Provide a unique opportunity for students and post-docs to participate and present new and excited unpublished data.
  • Inspire new collaborations and investigations within the London and UK cell cycle field of research. 
Organization: ABCAM
Wed, Feb 25, 2015 - Wed, Feb 25, 2015
The Medical Sciences 131 A V Hill Lecture Theatre, UCL
University College London, London, United Kingdom
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Tags: cancer research, United Kingdom, Cancer, Cell Research, London, Research Meeting UK, 2015, February, Life Sciences

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