Science Researcher Update: Spotlight on Meetings, Conferences, and Events

Janelia Spring Conferences: Insect Vision: Cells, Computation, and Behavior

Posted on Mar 6, 2015 12:41:08 AM

Conference - Ashburn, VA, United States
Topics for this next conference will include (but are not limited to) computational mechanisms, color vision, development, motion vision, navigation, and attention, predominantly in insects. Within each topic, talks will investigate the function of the insect visual system at a computational, neural and behavioral level, with a focus on the relationship between structure and function. We will also bring in a number of talks providing historical and comparative perspectives. The meeting will bring together leading scientists working in these areas to provide an open forum for vigorous discussion of novel approaches and recent results, providing insights into visual system function.
Organization: Janelia Research Campus
Sun, Apr 19, 2015 - Wed, Apr 22, 2015
19700 Helix Drive, Ashburn, VA 20147
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Tags: VA, cell biology, April, United States, 2015, Janelia Farm Research Campus, Ashburn, Life Sciences, Conference

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