Science Researcher Update: Spotlight on Meetings, Conferences, and Events

Infectious Diseases World Summit 2015

Posted on Apr 2, 2015 12:23:30 AM

Conference - Boston, MA, United States
We are pleased to invite you to attend GTCbio's Infectious Diseases World Summit, which will take place July 8-10, 2015 in Boston, MA. This event seeks to provide a forum for leaders to get the most comprehensive and wide-reaching perspective on issues, challenges, and advances in the field. The Summit is comprised of the following three conferences happening over the course of three days: 13th Vaccines Research & Development Conference (July 8-10, 2015) 4th Influenza Research & Development Conference (July 8-10, 2015) 12th Anti-Infectives Partnering & Deal-Making Conference (July 9-10, 2015) In recent years, the field of infectious diseases has faced repeated challenges, and areas such as pricing and reimbursement, regulatory, and the discovery of novel antibiotics have yet to be overcome. However, recent deals and the reemergence of big pharma in the space has signaled that the landscape of infectious diseases is shifting: why is there a renewed interest in this field? What will it mean for biotech companies, government agencies, and other players? This Summit seeks to highlight all stages of the field, from research and novel therapeutics, to commercialization aspects and market activity. Colleagues from academia, industry, and government will gather at the interface of infectious diseases drug development to address current issues and find solutions to move the field forward into the future.
Organization: GTCbio
July 8, 2015 - July 10, 2015 (08:00 am - 05:00 pm)
Hyatt Regency
Boston, MA 10178, USA
Contact: Kristen Starkey (
Phone: 6262566405
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Tags: infectious diseases, Immunology, Biotechnology Current Events, July, Biology, United States, 2015, Boston, Health Science, Biotechnology, MA, Life Science

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