Science Researcher Update: Spotlight on Meetings, Conferences, and Events

European Pharma Summit 2016 (May 11-13, 2016, Berlin, Germany)

Posted on Mar 25, 2016 1:51:37 PM


Conference - Berlin, Germany
We invite you to attend the European Pharma Summit 2016, which will take place on May 11-13, 2016 in Berlin, Germany.
This event seeks to create a forum for colleagues across multiple disciplines, as well as from both private and public sectors, to gather and exchange ideas. Delegates from pharmaceutical organizations, biotech companies, and leading academic institutions will gather over the course of four days to listen to presentations on the hottest topics in drug discovery and network with both new and old colleagues.
The landscape for drug discovery has changed drastically over the past few years: private and public partnerships are changing how research is being done, researchers are using 3D model systems in hopes of improving clinical outcomes, and emerging target classes are changing traditional conceptions of the drug discovery process.
Organization: GTCbio (
May 11-13, 2016
Maritim Hotel Berlin
Berlin, Germany
Contact: Kristen Starkey (
Phone: 16262566405
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Tags: Biotechnology Current Events, Biology, germany, May, Berlin, Summit, Conference, Biotechnology, Life Science, 2016

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