Science Researcher Update: Spotlight on Meetings, Conferences, and Events

British Pharmacological Society Annual Meeting (Pharmacology 2014)

Posted on Dec 4, 2014 12:38:40 PM

Conference - London, United Kingdom
Pharmacology 2014 attracts around 900 scientists each year, mostly from the UK but also many from across Europe and from overseas. The meeting includes a selection of topical symposia, plenary lectures, free oral communications and poster sessions which cover the many aspects of pharmacology from basic to clinical science.
Organization: British Pharmacological Society
Pharmacology 2014
Tue, Dec 16, 2014 - Thu, Dec 18, 2014
Queen Elizabeth II Conference Centre
London, United Kingdom
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Tags: 2014, Pharmacology, Research Meeting UK, December, Pharmacy, Health Science, Life Science

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