Science Researcher Update: Spotlight on Meetings, Conferences, and Events

Big Data Healthcare USA

Posted on Mar 17, 2015 9:22:23 AM

Conference - Boston, MA, United States
Big Data in Healthcare This year's Big Data in Healthcare summit will ultimately show you how to improve the healthcare experience you deliver.
Real world evidence based actionable insight is forming the foundation of healthcare reform. This meeting will focus on the predictive analytics at the core of this insight, to help you access it and shape the decisions you are making.
Organization: Hanson Wade
Tue, Apr 28, 2015 - Thu, Apr 30, 2015
The Sheraton Boston
39 Dalton Street, Boston, Massachusetts, 02199, United States
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Tags: Drug Discovery, USA, April, United States, Healthcare, 2015, Boston, Health Science, Life Sciences, Conference, MA

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