Science Researcher Update: Spotlight on Meetings, Conferences, and Events

Avoiding Potholes in Process Development 2015 Seminar

Posted on Feb 4, 2015 8:28:37 AM


Seminar -  Morton Grove, IL, United States
Regis Technologies invites you for a seminar on "Avoiding Potholes in Process Development" delivered by guest speaker Neal G. Anderson, PhD, author of Practical Process Research & Development.
Visit our site to read the abstract and for more details. A light breakfast will be served. Join us for coffee and chemistry on Thursday, February 26th, 8-9:30AM. Coffee served at 8:00am; presentation begins at 8:30am; Q&A at 9:30am.
Organization: Regis Technologies, Inc. (

Event website:

Thursday, February 26th, 2015 (8:00am - 9:30am)
Morton Grove
IL 60053, USA
Contact: Kristine Biederer (
Phone: 847-583-7675
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Tags: United States, Development, 2015, February, Seminar, Research, IL

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