Science Researcher Update: Spotlight on Meetings, Conferences, and Events

Advances in Plant Genomics 2015 - Virtual Event

Posted on Aug 2, 2015 4:37:00 AM

Virtual Event - Online
During this SELECTBIO event, the hottest topics in plant genomics will be addressed in a webinar-style auditorium with the opportunity for live Q&A at the end of each talk.
Featuring an array of leading international speakers, this event will provide attendees with an insight into the latest developments in genomic selection of plants. Focus will be given to current efforts to enhance plant resistance to disease, as well as the optimisation of plant growth for both food and biofuel. Presentations will also highlight the use of next-generation technologies and bioinformatics.
Organization: SELECTBIO
Wednesday, 21 October 2015
If you'd like to ask a question or post a comment about this talk please do so below.
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Tags: Plant science, October, 2015, Life Sciences, Event, Plant Biology

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