Science Researcher Update: Spotlight on Meetings, Conferences, and Events

8th Meeting of the Latin American Society for Developmental Biology

Posted on Aug 1, 2015 10:44:00 AM

Congress - Santos, Brazil
We are happy to announce the upcoming 8th Meeting of the Latin American Society of Developmental Biology (LASDB).
Many important things happened worldwide and in Latin America in this research area. As such, our scientific program reflects these important changes-the list of confirmed speakers includes leaders of diverse subareas in Developmental Biology. This is a high quality meeting which is still small enough so that you can interact personally with all the lecturers and attendees.
Organization: Latin American Society for Developmental Biology
Tue, Oct 20, 2015 - Fri, Oct 23, 2015
Parque Balneário Hotel
Santos, Brazil
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Tags: Congress, Research Meeting, Developmental Biology, Development, October, Brazil, 2015, Life Sciences

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