Science Researcher Update: Spotlight on Meetings, Conferences, and Events

3rd Annual Peptides Congress

Posted on Mar 28, 2016 3:52:01 AM

Conference - London, United Kingdom

3rd Annual Peptides Congress, 18 – 19 April 2016, London, UK
Building on the success of our biologics conference series, Oxford Global is proud to announce the highly anticipated 3rd Annual Peptides Congress. Leading pharmaceutical representatives will discuss the current landscape and pressing challenges of the peptides industry.
The conference program splits into 2 interactive streams:
• Advances In Peptides Research And technologies
• Case Studies In Peptide Therapeutics
Co-located with the well-established 9th Annual Proteins & Antibodies Congress and 4th Annual Biosimilars & Biobetters Congress, the event is an excellent meeting opportunity to network with over 400 senior-level delegates.

Organization: Oxford Global Conferences
Mon, Apr 18, 2016 - Tue, Apr 19, 2016
Novotel London West
1 Shortlands Hammersmith International Ctre, Hammersmith, London, United Kingdom
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Tags: Biochemistry, United Kingdom, April, Congress, Biological Chemistry, London, Life Sciences, Conference, 2016

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