Spotlight on Science Meetings, Conferences and Events brings you information on the following: 15th EuroScicon Conference on Advanced Stem Cells & Regenerative Medicine
EuroSciCon welcomes all the enthusiastic participants across the Globe to attend "EuroSciCon Conference on Advanced Stem Cells and Regenerative Medicine" which includes prompt keynote presentations, Workshops, Poster presentations, Exhibitions and Oral talks. The conference focuses on theme “Advanced Stem Cells and Regenerative Medicine: The Here and Now and Future of our Field." Stem Cell Conference will incorporate advanced research and discoveries in Stem cell transplantations, Stem cell therapy in Regenerative medicine and scientific approach of novel stem advances in cancer and other related chronic diseases and vital role of scaffolds and stem cell cryopreservation techniques and significance in curing many diseases in field of immune diseases.
December 3-4, 2018
Valencia, Spain
Phone: 203-318-2512
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