Science Researcher Update: Spotlight on Meetings, Conferences, and Events

Chromatin, Replication and Chromosomal Stability 2013

Posted on Jun 14, 2013 4:17:00 AM

Chromatin, Replication and Chromosomal Stability 2013

Conference - Copenhagen, Denmark

The epigenetic framework guides events like replication, repair and transcription, which in turn themselves leave an imprint on chromatin and chromosomal structure. Understanding how modulation of chromatin during replication and repair influence cell fate decisions in normal development and disease represents a major challenge. By bringing together leading scientists in chromatin, replication, repair and epigenetics, this conference aims to inspire discussions and new ideas on the interplay between chromosome architecture, epigenetic inheritance and genome duplication.

Conference chairs: Anja Groth, Catherine Green and Camilla Sjögren.

Meeting topics:
- Chromosomal architecture
– Chromosomal stability
– Replication structure and fork progression
– Chromatin maintenance and cellular memory

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(Courtesy of University of Copenhagen, Denmark, via

Chromatin, Replication and Chromosomal Stability 2013

Mon, Jun 17, 2013 - Wed, Jun 19, 2013

University of Copenhagen, Copenhagen, Denmark

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Tags: 2013, June, cell biology, University Research, Copenhagen, Denmark, Life Sciences, Conference

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