Science Researcher Update: Spotlight on Meetings, Conferences, and Events

Urban health and communicable disease Conference

Posted on Jul 14, 2013 9:17:00 AM

Urban health and communicable disease

Conference - London, United Kingdom

To mark the bicentenary of the birth of John Snow, the
Royal Society of Medicine section for Epidemiology & Public Health is holding a meeting on 'Urban health and communicable disease'.

• To demonstrate that 200 years after the birth of John Snow, communicable disease is still a major factor in urban health.
• To raise awareness of the issue of urban health and its long association with communicable disease, identification of vulnerable groups in society today and looking at the impact of social and environmental factors
• To increase awareness of some of the challenges associated with treating patients within target population groups with communicable disease
• To provide a forum whereby awareness is raised of available services and how these can be accessed.

• Participants to understand the interplay between social, behavioural and environmental factors and health, with particular respect to communicable disease.
• Participants to obtain practical knowledge to improve their practice in the area of testing patients for HIV and prescribing for HIV positive patients.
• The opportunity to learn about on-going projects currently plugging the gaps in NHS services.


(Courtesy of Royal Society of Medicine, via

Urban health and communicable disease

Wednesday 18 September 2013

Royal Society Of Medicine, 1 Wimpole Street, London, United Kingdom

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Tags: 2013, UK, Medicine, September, Healthcare, London, Research Meeting UK, Life Sciences, Conference

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