Science Researcher Update: Spotlight on Meetings, Conferences, and Events

1st Instruct Biennial Structural Biology Meeting

Posted on May 19, 2013 3:48:00 AM

Instruct Biennial Structural Biology Meeting

Meeting - Heidelberg, Germany

Registration for the first Instruct Biennial Structural Biology Meeting taking place on the 22-24th May, 2013, at EMBL Heidelberg Advance Training Centre is now open. Registration for the conference is free. The meeting will showcase integrative structural biology and its impact on biological research and development. Confirmed speakers include:

So Iwata, Elena Conti, Tim Springer, Carol Robinson, David Eisenberg, Dinshaw Patel, Roger Sunahara, Thomas Muller Reichert and Wolfgang Baumeister.

The talks will represent recent structural biology highlights, emerging methods and technologies and results of biomedical importance. A special session, jointly organised with Euro-Bioimaging, will focus on the bridge between structural and cell biology provided by recent developments in electron, light and X-ray microscopy. The position of Instruct in the wider context of integrated European infrastructure will also be presented.

Young scientists interested in gaining a broader understanding of structural biology and its community are especially encouraged to attend. Four abstracts from participants will be
chosen to give talks at the meeting.


(Courtesy of EMBL Advanced Training Centre, via

Register online at:

Wed, May 22, 2013 - Fri, May 24, 2013

EMBL Heidelberg Advance Training Centre, Heidelberg, Germany

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Tags: 2013, biomedical research, cell biology, Microscopy, Research Meeting, Systems Biology, germany, May, Heidelberg, Life Sciences, laboratory

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