Science Researcher Update: Spotlight on Meetings, Conferences, and Events

EMBO Conference: Autophagy: Molecular Mechanism, Physiology & Pathology

Posted on Apr 25, 2013 9:58:00 AM

EMBO Conference: 'Autophagy: Molecular Mechanism, Physiology and Pathology'

Conference - Hurtigruten, Norway

Autophagy can be induced in response to a multitude of physiological and pathological situations, but also occurs at basal levels in most tissues to selectively eliminate unwanted cellular components, and thereby protects against various diseases. The molecular mechanisms of autophagy, with a particular emphasis on the regulation of autophagosome biogenesis and the role of selective types of autophagy in health and disease, will be the main focus area of this meeting.

Autophagy is implicated in various physiological and pathological conditions, such as development, tissue homeostasis, immunity, tumor suppression and aging. Recent studies have highlighted the capacity of this pathway to specifically eliminate unwanted structures as aberrant protein aggregates, damaged organelles and invading pathogens and thereby protect against various types of disease, as neurodegeneration and cancer. The aim of this international conference series is to bring together experts from these emerging fields to promote exchange across disciplines. The third meeting in this series will focus on the molecular mechanisms underlying regulation and execution of autophagy, including the following topics:

Regulators of autophagy
Autophagosome biogenesis
Vps34, PI3P and autophagy
Autophagy receptor proteins
Selective types of autophagy
Autophagy and cell death
Autophagy and disease

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(Courtesy of, Granulosa cell death via autophagy)

For more information, please visit the conference web-site (external link) or download the flyer (pdf, 1,5M)

Sun, May 05, 2013 - Thu, May 09, 2013

Tags: 2013, science current events, cell biology, Cancer, May, Norway, Life Sciences

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