Photonex London - Photonics Technology Roadshow
Conferenece and Exhibition - London, UK
Photonics Technology Roadshow is an exhibition dedicated to the areas of optics, photonics and imaging technology. The event is scheduled to take place in London over a single day. Around 25 companies with their latest photonics applications and solutions will be taking an active part in the event proceedings. The event will throw new light on the potential of the imaging technology in modern science.
Photonics Technology Roadshow will be visited by a large number of visitors who will be looking to take home with them some innovative and user friendly solutions that will further their business interests. Exhibitors will find the event to be highly helpful as it will help them in meeting prospective customers.
(Courtesy of logo of The Photonex London 2013 Roadshow, via
Photonex London - Photonics Technology Roadshow
Tuesday, 9th April 2013
University College London Roberts Building, Gower Street
London, United Kingdom
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