Science Researcher Update: Spotlight on Meetings, Conferences, and Events

Molecular Basis of Bacterial Infection: Contemporary Research Approaches

Posted on Apr 17, 2013 2:07:00 PM

Molecular Basis of Bacterial Infection: Contemporary Research Approaches

Course - Cambridge, United Kingdom

This course will introduce participants to concepts and techniques used in studies on the molecular basis of bacterial infection and their interaction with the host, with an emphasis on contemporary high-throughput approaches.Several themes will run throughout providing a framework for bench experiments, demonstrations, supporting lectures and discussion groups. Core themes will include tissue-based assays, reporters, tissue culture, and microscopy (fluorescent and scanning/transmission electron microscopy).

Cell assays/reporters
Genetically engineered mouse cells will be harvested and stimulated with bacterial antigens. Gene expression will be monitored by fluorescence labelled LacZ expression in combination with cell surface phenotypic antibodies prior to analysis by flow cytometry to determine cell specific expression. Theoretical and practical aspects of FACS will be discussed.

Tissue-based assays
You will learn how to prepare infected mouse tissue for immuno-histochemical analysis. Work covered will include 3-colour immuno-staining and analysis using fluorescence and confocal microscopy.

Protein interaction assays
You will learn techniques to identify protein-protein interactions between the host and pathogen. Special attention will be given to screening for receptors of microbial adhesins and toxins using a library of extracellular host proteins.

The course will be supported by the use of demonstrations including next generation sequencing, bioinformatics, the use of genome browsers, laser capture microscopy, FACS, electron microscopy, and BIOLOG. A demonstration of the use of a high-throughput imaging platform will take place.

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(Courtesy of Bacterial Infections, via


Sunday, May 12, 2013 - Saturday, May 18, 2013

Wellcome Trust Genome Campus, Cambridge, UK

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Tags: 2013, Bioinformatics, Microbiology, Microscopy, UK, May, Life Sciences, Cambridge, Research, current science events

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