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Neural cell research - New technologies for new approaches Course

Posted on Mar 20, 2013 5:24:00 AM

Neural cell research - New technologies for new approaches

Course - Cologne, Germany

This 2-day training course focusses on improving and enabling research with distinct neuronal cell samples. This includes the full process from sample preparation to flow cytometric analysis. The course consists of theoretical presentations and practical lab sessions. Participants will learn traditional and improved ways of tissue preparation including automated tissue dissociation, purification of primary neural cells with magnetic cell separation and basic cell analysis with flow cytometry. Quick methods, that can be applied in every cell culture laboratory, will improve sample quality for reliable and reproducible results.


(Courtesy of a Neural Cell, via

Neural cell research - New technologies for new approaches

Wed, Apr 10, 2013 - Thu, Apr 11, 2013

MACS Academy

Miltenyi Biotec GmbH, Friedrich-Ebert-Str. 68, Bergisch Gladbach/ Cologne, Germany

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Tags: 2013, Cell Research, April, germany, Cologne, Neuroscience, Life Sciences, current science events, laboratory

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