Science Researcher Update: Spotlight on Meetings, Conferences, and Events

Fundamentals of Rodent Surgery Online Seminar

Posted on Dec 11, 2012 4:10:00 AM

 Fundamentals of Rodent Surgery

Meeting - Online

This webinar will cover rodent surgery regulations, guidelines, requirements, definitions, aseptic technique, surgical preparation, instrument selection and handing, suture use and selection, magnification, ergonomics, tissue handling and dissection, and body wall and skin closure. This webinar is designed for veterinarians, veterinary technicians, investigators and support staff who participate in all aspects of rodent surgery. Attendees will receive 2 CE credits that are approved by RACE, AALAS, CALAS and ASR.


(Photo Courtesy of Szczepan Baran, VND, MS, President Veterinary Bioscience Institute & Course Director Laboratory Animal Resourses Center the University of Texas at San Antonio)

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(Photo Courtesy of Marcel Perret-Gentil, DVM, MS, University Veterinarian & Director Laboratory Animal Resources Center, The University of Texas at San Antonio, TX)

Event Institution: Veterinary Bioscience Institute

  January 2, 2013 (1:30 pm EST -  3:30 pm ES) 


Contact: Ann Sproul

Phone:  207-272-6654

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Tags: Bioscience research, 2013, veterinary medicine, animal science, Research Meeting, January, Seminar, laboratory, Mice, bioscience event

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