Science Researcher Update: Spotlight on Meetings, Conferences, and Events

Do's and Don'ts of Rodent Peri-Operative Care and Assessment

Posted on Dec 11, 2012 5:06:00 AM

Do's and Don'ts of Rodent Peri-Operative Care and Assessment

Meeting - Online

 This interactive webinar is designed for scientists and support staff, veterinary technicians, veterinarians, institutional animal care and use committee members responsible for Preparing rodents for surgeries. Performing or assisting in rodent surgical procedures. Performing and assisting wiht rodent peri - and post-operative care. Developing and reviewing rodent surgery policies, SOPs and protocols. Managing rodent surgery programs. All techniques will be demonstrated with streaming videos and high quality illustrations. This webinar will cover the following topics: Peri-operative care, Peri-operative pain and distress assessment techniques, Intervening to reduce pain and distress, Effects of hypothermia and strategies to prevent hypothermia, Heat support equipment review, Post-operative antibiotic use and infection control strategies, Addressing expected and unexpected post-surgical complications, Post-operative nutritional and fluid support, Implementation of humane endpoints, Post-surgical enrichment, and Record keeping. These webinars meet the Registry of Approved Continuing Education (RACE), the American Association for Laboratory Animal Science (AALAS), Canadian Association for Laboratory Animal Science (CALAS), and Academy of Surgical Science (ASR) requirements for Continuing Education Units. Each participant will receive 2 Certificates of Attendance.


(Photo Courtesy of Szczepan Baran, VND, MS, President Veterinary Bioscience Institute & Course Director Laboratory Animal Resourses Center the University of Texas at San Antonio)

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(Photo Courtesy of Marcel Perret-Gentil, DVM, MS, University Veterinarian & Director Laboratory Animal Resources Center, The University of Texas at San Antonio, TX)

Event Institution: Veterinary Bioscience Institute

  January 9th 2013 (1:30 pm EST -  3:30 pm ES) 


Contact: Ann Sproul

Phone:  207-272-6654

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Tags: Bioscience research, 2013, veterinary medicine, animal science, Research Meeting, January, Seminar, laboratory, Mice, bioscience event

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