Science Researcher Update: Spotlight on Meetings, Conferences, and Events

Annual Research Symposium: Epigenetic Mechanisms in Development and Disease

Posted on Dec 6, 2012 11:48:00 AM

Annual Symposium: Epigenetic Mechanisms in Development and Disease

Conference - Leeds, United Kingdom

Epigenetic mechanisms play pivotal roles in development, differentiation and cell identity. Epigenetic regulation is influenced by environmental factors such as nutrition and inappropriate epigenetic regulation contributes to diseases such as diabetes and cancer. This meeting will cover our current understanding of epigenetic modifications and the functional role they play in regulating development and contributing


DNA methylation

Gene regulation

Histone modifications

Non-coding RNA

Stem cell fate



300px DNA methylation resized 600

(Courtesy of DNA methylation, via

Annual Symposium: Epigenetic Mechanisms in Development and Disease

Tue, Dec 11, 2012 - Thu, Dec 13, 2012

University of Leeds, Leeds, United Kingdom

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Tags: 2012, Biochemistry, United Kingdom, Development, Symposium, Research Meeting UK, December, Leeds, Life Sciences, Conference, current science events

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