Science Researcher Update: Spotlight on Meetings, Conferences, and Events

The 3rd International Symposium on Medicinal Plants, Their Cultivation and Aspects of Uses

Posted on Nov 14, 2012 11:33:00 AM

The 3rd International Symposium on Medicinal Plants, Their Cultivation and Aspects of Uses

Symposium - Wadi-Musa, Jordan

The Symposium will focus on recent advances in all aspects related to medicinal plants. The program will include a plenary sessions with invited speakers and sessions with submitted papers related to the following subjects:
- The pharmacological activities of medicinal plants and their extracts.
- The ethno-pharmacological studies on medicinal plants.
- Medicinal Plants and their ingredients in Cosmetology.
- The use of medicinal plants as food additives in food recipes.
- Medicinal plants as bio-indicators and heavy metals accumulators.
- Standardization and quality control of herbal medicinal products.
- Organic and conventional cultivation of medicinal plants.
- Climate change and ethno-botanical sources.
- Impact of cultivation and gathering of medicinal plants on biodiversity.
- Industrial utilization of medicinal plants and trends of the herbal pharmaceutical market.
- Medicinal plants in ethno-veterinary practice and animal nutrition.
- The use of extracts from medicinal plants as part of Integrated Pest Management Programs.

Wed, Nov 21, 2012 - Fri, Nov 23, 2012

Beit Zaman Hotel & Resort

Petra - Jordan, Wadi-Musa, Jordan

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Tags: November, 2012, Plant science, Symposium, Jordan, Life Sciences, current science events

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