Science Researcher Update: Spotlight on Meetings, Conferences, and Events

Recent Progress in Manufacturing Medicines in Plants - Life Science Conference

Posted on Sep 18, 2012 2:22:00 AM

Molecular Pharming - Recent Progress in Manufacturing Medicines in Plants

Conference - Hertfordshire, United Kingdom

Molecular Pharming is on the brink of taking off! After two decades of development and academic proofs of principle, a number of recent advances have moved the technology rapidly towards commercialization. The first products are now being licensed in the USA. The first-in-human clinical trial of a plant derived monoclonal antibody has been performed in Europe. And there has been significant investment into manufacturing facilities around the world.
This meeting will review the progress of the field, highlight major technological advances and scan the horizon for future developments.

Fri, Sep 21, 2012 - Fri, Sep 21, 2012

The Stevenage Bioscience Catalyst, Gunnels Wood Road,

Stevenage Hertfordshire, United Kingdom

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Tags: Drug Discovery, 2012, UK, Plant science, September, Development, Conference, Life Science

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