Science Researcher Update: Spotlight on Meetings, Conferences, and Events

Biomarkers in Drug Discovery & Development Conference

Posted on Aug 28, 2012 6:13:00 AM

Biomarkers in Drug Discovery & Development

Conference - Berlin, Germany

Exploit newest technologies for biomarker identification

Hear about latest developments in regulatory acceptance of new biomarkers

Discover best practices in speeding up your clinical trials using biomarkers

Gain knowledge about how to improve biomarker data standards, quality and reproducibility

Gain critical insight into role of biomarkers in future clinical trials

Hear case studies about successful application of biomarkers in various therapeutic areas – moving towards a personalized medicine

Biomarkers, Clinical Research, Drug Discovery and Development, Translational Research/ Science/ Imaging, Molecular Imaging, Experimental Medicine, Clinical Pharmacology, Molecular Toxicology, “Omics” Programmes, Clinical Discovery Technologies, Diagnostics, Biomarker Strategy, Assay Development, Regulatory Affairs, etc


(Courtesy of

Mon, Sep 10, 2012 - Tue, Sep 11, 2012

Berlin, Germany

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Tags: Bioresearch, Medical Research, Drug Discovery, Pharmacology, 2012, September, germany, Development, Berlin, Life Sciences, Conference, Research, Drug Development, biotech solutions

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