Science Researcher Update: Spotlight on Meetings, Conferences, and Events

Polymer Networks 2012 Conference

Posted on Jul 27, 2012 6:14:00 AM

Polymer Networks 2012 Conference

Conference - Jackson Hole, Wyoming, USA

The Polymer Networks Group would like to welcome you to participate in the Polymer Networks 2012 Conference. This meeting will encompass a wide range of topics, including but not limited to Biomaterials, Reversible Networks, Fundamental Formation-Structure-Property Relationships, Composite Networks, Smart and Responsive Networks, and Novel Network Formation Strategies and Reactions.

The 2012 Conference will be held in scenic Jackson Hole, Wyoming, USA at the Snow King Resort. This is just a 15 minute shuttle ride from the Airport, which has a range of non-stop flights from most major U.S. airports Jackson Hole is just south of the Teton and Yellowstone National Parks and near a myriad of shopping, site seeing, and outdoor activities.

The conference will feature short courses, plenary talks, parallel sessions, posters, and extensive activities.


(Photo courtesy of Jackson Hole, Wyoming, via

Sun, Aug 12, 2012 - Thu, Aug 16, 2012

Jackson Hole, Wyoming, USA      

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Tags: chemical research, USA, 2012, August, Wyoming, Conference, Research, Lecture, science current event, chemical supply

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