Science Researcher Update: Spotlight on Meetings, Conferences, and Events

Science Shaping Our World-SHOW – Ongoing Seminar/Networking Series

Posted on Jul 18, 2012 7:55:00 AM

Science Shaping Our World-SHOW – Ongoing Seminar/Networking Series: Beyond Treading Water: Functional Analysis of Tumor Initiation and Maintenance

Networking Event - Boston, MA

Science Shaping Our World-SHOW is an ongoing seminar and networking series that highlights cutting edge translational life science research and development. Our mission is to bring together a multidisciplinary audience spanning academia and industry providing exposure and insight into the life science advancements changing our world. Further, we seek to promote active inter and cross-disciplinary networking thus fostering the creation of novel opportunities in life science.July’s SHOW will focus on the genetic pathways that drive the development of cancer. Specifically, we will look at melanoma, an aggressive form of skin cancer, which has been on the rise of late. Though making up only five percent of skin cancers cases, melanoma is responsible for a large number of the deaths associates with skin cancers, having a particularly poor prognosis when diagnosed in its later stages. Our special guest speaker, Dr. Craig J. Ceol has been working to identify the genetic defects responsible for the growth of tumors, specifically malignant melanoma.

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(Photo courtesy of

Thursday, July 26, 2012 from 5:30 PM to 9:00 PM (ET)

Harvard Institutes of Medicine, Bray Room - First Floor
               Black Fan Circle - 4
               Boston, Massachusetts 02115

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Tags: cancer research, 2012, July, Boston, Seminar, Life Sciences, MA, Harvard, science research

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