Science Researcher Update: Spotlight on Meetings, Conferences, and Events

International Research Conference on Data Communication Networking

Posted on Jul 18, 2012 9:20:00 AM

International Conference on Data Communication Networking

 Conference - Rome, Italy

The purpose of DCNET 2012 is to bring together researchers, engineers and practitioners interested on communication networking between computer systems or other digital devices.

Computer networking is a combination of knowledge related to the areas of telecommunications, computer science, information technology and/or computer engineering. Data communication networks rely heavily upon the theoretical and practical application of these scientific and engineering disciplines. DCNET encompasses a diversity of aspects, from network architecture and protocols, to network management, monitoring and control, performance analysis, sensor nets, services over networks, LANs and WANS, to higher education in the data communication field.

Conference Topics

Collaborative networking, Communication Networks, Education Data Services

Management Fault Detection, Management Green Communications

Implementation and Experimental Test-Beds

Internet Technologies Methodologies for Network Management

Middleware Support for Networking Mobile & Ubiquitous Communication

Networks Modeling & Simulation of Communication

Nano-Networking, Multi-modal Communications Networks

Network applications (web, multimedia streaming, gaming, etc.)

Network Architectures, Network Monitoring, Control Network Platforms

Virtualization Network Protocols, Neuro-inspired Communications

Next-generation Communication Networks, Performance Evaluation Quality of Service (QoS)

Routing and Flow Control in LANs, WANs and PANs; Sensor Nets and Embedded Systems

Service Overlay Networks; Social Networks

Traffic Measurement, Analysis, Modeling and Visualization; VoIP Protocols and Services  


(Photo courtesy of

24-27 July, 2012

Rome, Italy

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Tags: 2012, scientific research, scientific researchers, July, Italy, Rome, Engineering

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