Science Researcher Update: Spotlight on Meetings, Conferences, and Events

Trade Show: Life Science Innovation Northwest

Posted on Jun 26, 2012 1:35:00 PM

Life Science Innovation Northwest

Trade Show - Seattle, Washington

The Pacific Northwest is flush with advancing medical technologies, diagnostics, and therapeutic innovations, as well as cutting-edge scientific and educational developments in global health. Participation of investment and partnering life science delegations for 2011 included attendees from China, Japan, Korea, the United Kingdom, France, India and Germany. 

Life Science Innovation Northwest brings together nearly 1000 attendees from public and private companies, research institutions, scientists, entrepreneurs, and our global health community. Public and private investors, investment bankers and industry executives focused on business development and partnering opportunities in life sciences will find Life Science Innovation Northwest one of the most productive meetings of the year.

Seattle, WA

July 11-12, 2012

Washington State Convention Center, Seattle, Washington

For more detailed registration information, click here.

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Tags: Washington, WA, 2012, July, Life Science Marketing, life science researcher event, Life Science, Seattle, Life Science Research Market

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