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7th International Conference. SUMO, Ubiquitin, UBL Proteins: Implications for Human Diseases

Posted on Mar 30, 2014 11:20:00 AM

Seventh International Conference SUMO, Ubiquitin, UBL Proteins: Implications for Human Diseases

Conference - Shanghai, China

For the last decade, scientists came from all over the world to attend the International Conferences on SUMO, Ubiquitin, and Ubiquitin-like proteins in Houston. This Conference was considered the definitive SUMO conference that brings together SUMO with ubiquitin and ubiquitin-like proteins.   Furthermore, the conference showcased not only the basic mechanisms, but also their implications to human diseases.  The 7th Conference will be held in Shanghai, an international city that has been the favorite destination of world travelers.  I will co-organize the Conference with Guo-Qiang Chen and Jinke Cheng of Shanghai Jiao-Tong University Medical School. 

Organization: The University of Texas M. D. Anderson Cancer Center


 (Courtesy of Shanghai, China, via

Seventh International Conference SUMO, Ubiquitin, UBL Proteins: Implications for Human Diseases

Sat, May 10, 2014 - Tue, May 13, 2014

Shanghai, China

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Tags: 2014, infectious diseases, Medicine, May, Shanghai, Proteins, China, Life Sciences

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