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EMBO Workshop: Signalling to and from Endomembranes

Posted on Jan 25, 2014 10:47:00 AM

Signalling to and from Endomembranes

Workshop - Hegne (Allensbach), Germany

The integration of membrane trafficking with metabolic and signaling pathways is an emerging research area. We already have profound knowledge about the components of membrane trafficking system on one hand, and about signaling pathways on the other hand. However, our knowledge on how the endomembrane system receives input from cellular signaling, or how endomembranes generate cell-autonomous regulatory signalling circuits, and how signal transduction is modulated by cellular organelles, remains sketchy. The objective of this EMBO Workshop is to bring together scientists working in the field of Signaling with those working in the field of endomembrane traffic.

Organization: EMBO

U3CP3 3 MembraneTransport k

(Courtesy of endomembrane trafficking system, via

Signalling to and from Endomembranes

Sat, Mar 15, 2014 - Wed, Mar 19, 2014

Konstanz, Hegne (Allensbach), Germany

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Tags: 2014, membranes, March, Workshop, Molecular Cell Biology, Molecular Biology, germany, Life Sciences

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