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Stem cells and human health - The Royal Society Public lecture

Posted on Jan 12, 2014 12:03:00 PM

Stem cells and human health

Public lecture - London, United Kingdom

Professor Fiona Watt FRS is Director of the Centre for Stem Cells and Regenerative Medicine at Kings College London

The field of stem cells and regenerative medicine is a young, fast-moving and exciting research area. It offers the promise of unprecedented improvements in human health yet raises ethical concerns about the use of cells from human embryos and how to protect desperate patients from seeking unproven stem cell therapies. In the UK there is a growing awareness of the importance of research in this area and in 2012  the Chancellor of the Exchequer highlighted Regenerative Medicine as one of the government’s strategic priorities in science. In this lecture Professor Watt will give her perspectives on the potential of stem cells to improve human health.

Organization: The Royal Society

600 319326662

(Courtesy of Stem cells and human health, via

Stem cells and human health

Mon 10 Feb 2014 (6:30pm - 7:30pm)

The Royal Society, London

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Tags: 2014, Stem Cells, Stem cell research, United Kingdom, Medicine, London, February, Life Sciences, Conference, Lecture

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