Science Researcher Update: Spotlight on Meetings, Conferences, and Events

Plant Genomics Congress Asia 2014

Posted on Jan 7, 2014 12:02:00 PM

Plant Genomics Congress Asia

Congress - Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

Co-host and Main Sponsor The Malaysian Biotechnology Corporation (BiotechCorp).

The Plant Genomics Congress will feature over 50 expert speakers

The Congress Agenda

Stream 1 – NGS Technologies for Plant Research

NGS platform comparison

Best practice and guidelines for current technology

Future uses of new generation technologies

Single-molecule sequencing for plant research

NGS protocols

Genome assembly

Sample preparation technology


Stream 1 – Bioinformatics, Data Management & Analysis

Bioinformatic analysis and challenges Bioinformatics from a biologist's perspective

Sequencing pipelines and assembly

Gene expression analysis

Improving error rates

Cloud computing and storage solutions

Compressive technologies

Integration of NGS in a genomics core

NGS data analysis & management in a small genomics core

Challenges in setting up an NGS facility

Experiences and lessons learnt from the first year of high-throughput sequencing

Stream 2 – Plant Genomic Case Studies

Applications of next-generation sequencing in plant research

Using NGS to enhance molecular marker development, breeding, crop improvement, hybridization, conservation, and evolution studies

Plant genotyping, SNP discovery, QTL mapping & marker-assisted selection

Plant genetic engineering – DNA assembly, genome editing, cloning, amplification

DNA & RNA isolation

Applications of next-generation sequencing in plant research

Case studies using De novo Seq, Resequencing, Targeted resequencing, Exome Seq, Transcriptome Seq, RNA seq, miRNA Seq, Epigenetics, ncRNA, ChIP seq, and DNA methylation

Organization: Global Engage


(Courtesy of logo of Plant Genomics Congress Asia, via

Plant Genomics Congress Asia

Mon, Feb 24, 2014 - Tue, Feb 25, 2014


11 Jalan Sultan Ismail, Bukit Bintang, 50250 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

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Tags: 2014, Plant science, Congress, February, Malaysia, Life Sciences, Genomics

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