Science Researcher Update: Spotlight on Meetings, Conferences, and Events

Mitochondrial Dynamics and Physiology - Keystone Symposia

Posted on Feb 2, 2014 2:03:00 PM

(Q5) Keystone Symposia: Mitochondrial Dynamics and Physiology

Conference - Santa Fe, NM, United States

The conference will:
• Offer a multi-disciplinary consideration of mitochondrial research spanning
various domains of biology/medicine including innate immunity, bioenergetics and chemoresistance, and disease ranging from neurodegenerative, psychiatric and cardiovascular disorders to cancer and rare diseases;
• Incorporate a session on regenerative medicine dedicated to the emerging role of mitochondrial physiology in stem cell biology and development;
• Provide additional opportunities for interdisciplinary interactions as a result of the concurrent meeting on “The Chemistry and Biology of Cell Death,” which will share a keynote address and plenary session with this meeting.

Session Topics:
• Mitochondria and Death (Joint)
• Mitochondrial Architecture
• Mitochondrial Dynamics
• Mitochondria as Signaling Platform
• Quality Control
• Stem Cells and Development
• Environmental Control of Mitochondrial Physiology
• Mitochondria in Tissue Homeostasis
plus workshops on drug discovery and emerging topics

Organization: Keystone Symposia on Molecular and Cellular Biology


(Courtesy of Santa Fe Community Convention Center, via

(Q5) Keystone Symposia: Mitochondrial Dynamics and Physiology

Tue, Feb 18, 2014 - Sun, Feb 23, 2014

Santa Fe Community Convention Center

Santa Fe, New Mexico, United States

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Tags: 2014, Stem Cells, cell biology, Physiology, United States, Development, Quality Control, February, keystone symposia, Santa Fe, NM, Life Sciences, Conference

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