Science Researcher Update: Spotlight on Meetings, Conferences, and Events

International Conference in Nanotechnology, Biotechnology & Spectroscopy

Posted on Oct 23, 2013 11:17:00 AM

International Conference in Nanotechnology, Biotechnology and Spectroscopy ICNBS Egypt 2013

Conference - Giza, Egypt

The conference will take place over 3 days, and will be divided into sections that allow focusing on the conference topics.

The Conference will consist of invited oral presentations, oral presentations and poster presentations selected from abstracts. We are now accepting applications for oral and poster presentations.

Abstracts should support one of the topics listed below:

• Nanotechnology and its applications:

1. Medicine, 2. Pharmacy, 3. Dentistry, 4. Biotechnology, 5. Diagnosis and imaging, 6. Cancer therapy, 7. Microbiology, 8. Water treatment, 9. Agriculture, 10. Nanophysics,

11. Nanochemistry, 12. Engineering (Mechanics, Electronics, Architecture,…etc) and industry

13. Nanoinformatics, 14. Nanotoxicology, 15. Radiology and Radiotherapy, • Biotechnology and its applications: 15. Medicine, 16. Pharmacy, 17. Stem Cells trails, 18. Diagnosis and imaging

19. Cancer therapy, 20. Microbiology, 21. Water treatment, 22. Agriculture and food industry,

23. Veterinary Medicine and Marine sciences, 24. Bioinformatics, • Spectroscopy and its applications: 25. Medicine, 26. Pharmacy, 27. Dentistry, 28. Biotechnology, 29. Diagnosis and imaging, 30. Cancer therapy, 31. Microbiology, 32. Water treatment, 33. Agriculture, 34. Engineering (Mechanics, Electronics, Architecture,…etc), 35. Nanotechnology, 36. Materials Science, 37. industry

Organization: Nakaa Nanotechnology Network


(Courtesy of ICNBS Conference's logo, via

International Conference in Nanotechnology, Biotechnology and Spectroscopy ICNBS Egypt 2013

Fri, Oct 25, 2013 - Sun, Oct 27, 2013

Cataract Pyramids Resort, Giza, Egypt

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Tags: 2013, nanotechnology, October, Egypt, Life Sciences, Conference, Biotechnology

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