Science Researcher Update: Spotlight on Meetings, Conferences, and Events

BioNanoMed 2014 - Nanotechnology enables Personalized Medicine

Posted on Sep 28, 2013 12:16:00 AM

BioNanoMed 2014 - Nanotechnology enables Personalized Medicine

Congress - Krems, Austria

We are pleased to announce the 5th International Congress BioNanoMed 2014 – Nanotechnology Enables Personalized  Medicine which will be held on 26 – 28 March 2014 at the International Meeting Centre Krems/Austria. BioNanoMed 2014 is organized by Techkonnex – High-Tech Promotion in cooperation with Biotec Area Krems, IMC University of Applied Sciences Krems and Danube University Krems.

- Novel Nanomedical Solutions - Advances in Nanomedicine
- Nanomaterials for Biomedical Applications
- Nano-Oncology: Diagnostic, Drug Delivery and Therapy
- NanoPharmaceuticals & Production Technologies

Thematic Sessions
-  Nano-Bio-Sensing: New Sensing Approaches, Visions and Perspectives in Diagnosis & Therapy

-  Nano- Imaging-Technologies in Medicine

-  NanoSafety: Innovation-Enabler for Nanomedicine

Special Session

- Nanotechnology for Artifical Organ Support (organized by ESAO – European Society of Artificial Organs)


BioNanoMed 2014 serves as an excellent platform to present your company/institution, to promote your product portfolio and to establish direct links to a broad audience of experts. By becoming an exhibitor or sponsor you will make a great contribution to support the BioNanoMed 2014 congress.


Deadline for oral abstracts: 17 December 2013
Deadline for poster abstracts: 
: 9 March 2014
End of early registration: 
31 January 2014
End of online registration: 8
21 March 2014  


Please turn to for all information regarding the BioNanoMed 2014!

26-28 March 2014

International Meeting Centre, Krems, Austria

If you require further information do not hesitate to contact our conference office at

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Tags: 2014, nanotechnology, March, Congress, Medicine, Austria, Bionanotechnology, Biotech Еvent, Life Sciences, Biotechnology

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