Science Researcher Update: Spotlight on Meetings, Conferences, and Events

1st Annual Helmholtz-Nature Medicine Diabetes Conference

Posted on Sep 19, 2013 11:07:00 AM

1st Annual Helmholtz-Nature Medicine Diabetes Conference

Conference - Munich, Germany

This inaugural high-impact conference brings together top leaders in the field of diabetes to facilitate the identification of, and potential solutions to, the preeminent scientific challenges facing the prevention and treatment of type 2 diabetes. The conference will feature two award presentations: the Helmholtz Diabetes Lecture, in recognition of the lifetime achievements of a senior leader in the field, and the Helmholtz Diabetes Young Investigator Award, in recognition of a rising star. Additional unique social opportunities to interact with thought leaders and colleagues will include an opening party at the Residenz, the former royal palace of the Bavarian monarchs and an art tour.

Organization: Nature Publishing Group


Pancreatic islets. Heiko Lickert, Institute for Diabetes and Regeneration Research, HMGU

(Courtesy of

1st Annual Helmholtz-Nature Medicine Diabetes Conference

Sun, Sep 22, 2013 - Tue, Sep 24, 2013

Residenz München, Munich, Germany

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Tags: 2013, Diabetes, infectious diseases, Medicine, September, germany, Munich, Life Sciences, Conference, Lecture

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