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Imaging of Neural Development in Zebrafish - EMBO Practical Course

Posted on Aug 28, 2013 11:41:00 PM

EMBO Practical Course: 'Imaging of Neural Development in Zebrafish'

Course - Karlsruhe, Germany

A fundamental question in developmental biology is how myriads of neurons get specified from progenitor cells and become organized into complex functional networks. Little is known on the dynamics of neural lineage decisions, cell polarity and migratory events during nervous system patterning and morphogenesis.

The objective of the EMBO Practical Course is to provide theoretical and practical background on the zebrafish model system for direct assessment of open questions using novel microscopy techniques

List of technologies and model paradigms that the applicants will get experience on:


Live imaging of synapse formation

Functional imaging of genetically encoded calcium indicatorsIn vivo analysis of interactions between microglia and neurons

Cell lineage labelling and cell ablation in the developing retina

Electroporation and retrograde tracing

Spreading of morphogens within the neural tube

Asymmetric cell divisions in the spinal cord

Cell tracking using photoconvertible fluorophores

Optokinetic response

Differentiation of zebrafish neural stem cells in vitro

Digital Light Sheet Microscopy (DSLM)

Fluorescent Correlation Spectroscopy (FCS)


(Courtesy of Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, via

EMBO Practical Course: 'Imaging of Neural Development in Zebrafish'

Sun, Sep 08, 2013 - Sun, Sep 15, 2013

Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Karlsruhe, Germany

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Tags: 2013, science current events, Microscopy, September, germany, Imaging, Neuroscience, Life Sciences

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