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EMBO Practical Course on Two-Photon Imaging of Brain Circuit Function

Posted on Aug 16, 2013 11:03:00 PM

EMBO Practical Course: 'Two-Photon Imaging of Brain Circuit Function'

Course - Zurich, Switzerland

Advances in two-photon microscopy and development of new functional indicators continue to provide manifold opportunities to study brain dynamics in living animals. Two-photon microscopy enables investigation of synaptic physiology, dendritic integration, neuronal and glial activation, and neuronal population dynamics in vivo. The EMBO Practical Course will provide participants with the theoretical background and practical knowledge to utilize two-photon microscopy for studying neural circuit dynamics

Course Objectives

Understand the fundamental principles of two-photon microscopy
Learn how to operate and setup a two-photon microscope
Get familiar with different laser scanning systems
Obtain an overview of the variety of functional indicators and the methods for labeling specific cellular components
Understand the challenges of two-photon microscopy under in vivo conditions
Apply digital image-processing techniques for analysis of two-photon imaging data


(Courtesy of Irchel Campus, University of Zurich, via

EMBO Practical Course: 'Two-Photon Imaging of Brain Circuit Function'

Sun, Sep 01, 2013 - Sat, Sep 07, 2013

Brain Research Institute, Irchel Campus
University of Zurich, Winterthurerstrasse 190
CH-8057 Zurich

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Tags: 2013, Microscopy, brain research, September, Switzerland, Imaging, Zurich, Neuroscience, Life Sciences

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