Life Science Company and Industry News Briefs

An Overview of Life Science Research Centers at UW Madison

Posted by Anita Zhang on Thu, May 22, 2014

The University of Wisconsin in Madison is home to a number of multidisciplinary research centers and institutes. These research centers help the University of Wisconsin, Madison attracted more than $620.3 million in federal grants and contracts in 2013, which is 71% of the total federal grants that the entire University of Wisconsin system received last year. In addition, the University of Wisconsin received $583.8 million from non-federal sponsors, which is 89% of non-federal research funds received by the University of Wisconsin system.

If you are a laboratory supply company and would like to connect with the University of Wisconsin, Madison, please read on for more information about these research centers.


Biotechnology Center: maximizing the benefits of biotechnology research within the University of Wisconsin, Madison, University of Wisconsin System, State of Wisconsin, and the nation.

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Photo Courtesy of the University of Wisconsin-Madison Graduate School

The University of Wisconsin Biotechnology Center, located at 425 Henry Mall, offers state-of-the-art research services at competitive user fees to UW-Madison scientists.

UWBC Facilities Include:


The Biotron: providing researchers the ability to manipulate parameters of the physical environment to simulate natural environments or changes in the environment resulting from human activities.

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Photo Courtesy of the University of Wisconsin-Madison Graduate School

The Biotron is a complex air conditioning system consisting of 50 rooms with artificial lighting and 29 greenhouse units, each of which is independently controlled and ventilated.

The Biotron provides a variety of services, including:


The Institute for Molecular Virology: research and training in the area of virology, primarily at the molecular level.

As stated by the institute’s webpage, the faculty research programs provide world-class training opportunities for research workers at the postdoctoral level and also for research students at the pre-doctoral and undergraduate levels. Most faculty members are members of an interdisciplinary post-doctoral training program in virology and participate in several pre-doctoral training programs.



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Photo Courtesy of the University of Wisconsin-Madison Graduate School


The Institute for Molecular Virology is home to:


The Institute on Aging: promotes, through excellence in multidisciplinary research, education, and practice, the health and well being of the rapidly expanding aging population in Wisconsin.

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Current research projects at the Institute on Aging include:

The Laboratory of Cell & Molecular Biology: developing research and training in the field of Molecular Biology.


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  • Is one of the largest and most productive biology facilities in the world.
  • Fosters excellence in interdisciplinary research.
  • Is staffed by research groups specializing in biophotonics, cell biology, molecular and developmental biology and neurobiology.


The Stem Cell& Regenerative Medicine Center: advancing the science of stem cell biology and fostering breakthroughs in regenerative medicine through faculty interactions, research support and education.

Beginning in 1995 with the first successful culturing of embryonic stem cells from non-human primates, and later with the isolation of the world’s first human embryonic stem cells, the University of Wisconsin Madison has been a leader in the fields of stem cell research and regenerative medicine. The research that the stem Cell & Regenerative Medicine Center undertake holds great promise for biomedical science and our ability to treat debilitating disease, discover new medicines, and uncover the fundamental processes that lead to disease.

Biotechnology Calendar, Inc. is organizing two BioResearch Product Faire™ Events at the University of Wisconsin on September 3rd  and September 4th 2014, one in Wisconsin Research Park and one on the Madison campus.

The UW Madison BioResearch Product Faire™ Event provides an opportunity for laboratory supply companies to network with Wisconsin researchers and help them find the best and newest research tools and equipments. Please click the button below to get more information about the Wisconsin BioResearch Product Faire™ Events on September 3rd  and September 4th 2014.






Biotechnology Calendar, Inc. has been producing on-campus vendor showcases for more than twenty years. There are more events at different institutions across the nation in 2014. Please read the National Show Schedule.


Tags: 2014, WI, University of Wisconsin, UWiscRP, UWisc, University of Wisconsin Research Park

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